TV Noise Episode 23: Game of Thrones, The Glades, Supernatural, Endgame, Men of a Certain Age and Hiccups

Host Derek Coward talks about Game of Thrones, The Glades, Supernatural, Endgame, Men of a Certain Age and Hiccups, among other subjects.

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TV Noise Episode 22: Catching Up

Host Derek Coward talks about how he is getting caught up on some of the shows he watches as well as some of the recent season finales and summer season premieres.

Franklin and Bash cast

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TV Noise Episode 19: The Killing, Lights Out, Jersey Shore, Gordon’s Great Escape and The Kennedys

Host Derek Coward talks about The Killing, Lights Out, Jersey Shore, Gordon’s Great Escape and The Kennedys.
The Killing

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TV Noise Episode 17: Chuck, How I Met Your Mother, Life Unexpected, Shameless and Episodes

Host Derek Coward returns to discuss Chuck, How I Met Your Mother, the series finale of Life Unexpected, the US and UK versions of Shameless and Episodes.

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TV Noise Episode 16: Favorite Shows of 2010

Host Derek Coward talks about his favorite TV shows of 2010, and proves why he hates doing Top Ten lists.

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TV Noise Episode 15: Terriers, Rake, Hellcats, Misfits and Burn Notice

Host Derek Coward talks about Terriers (and its unfortunate cancellation), Rake (and the American show it is miles better than), Hellcats (and why he gave it a second chance), Misfits (and why the changed his mind about the current series) and Burn Notice (and what comic book character Jesse reminds him of). While he’s at it, he gives brief thoughts on The Walking Dead.

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TV Noise Episode 14: Why I Will Finally Be Watching Alias

Host Derek Coward talks about why he has avoided watching Alias and why he will finally be changing his mind.

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TV Noise Episode 13: Sherlock, Luther, Meat and Potatoes, Batman: The Brave and The Bold, and Recent Cancellations

Host Derek Coward talks about Sherlock, Luther, Meat and Potatoes, Batman: The Brave and The Bold, and the recent cancellations of Caprica and The Whole Truth.

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TV Noise Episode 12: Mad Men, Rubicon, Terriers, Dexter and Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares

Host Derek Coward talks about Mad Men, Rubicon, Terriers, Dexter and Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares.

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