TV Noise 30: Dallas, Banshee, and American Idol

Host Derek Coward returns with an explanation about how this episode almost never happened, as well as a look at Dallas, Banshee, and American Idol.


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TV Noise Episode 24: The Nine Lives of Chloe King, Game of Thrones, The Voice, Falling Skies, The Killing and Coal

Host Derek Coward talks about a lot of different things including The Nine Lives of Chloe King, Game of Thrones, The Voice, Falling Skies, The Killing and Coal.

Falling Skies

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TV Noise Episode 23: Game of Thrones, The Glades, Supernatural, Endgame, Men of a Certain Age and Hiccups

Host Derek Coward talks about Game of Thrones, The Glades, Supernatural, Endgame, Men of a Certain Age and Hiccups, among other subjects.

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TV Noise Episode 20: The Killing, Game of Thrones, Breakout Kings, Treme, and In Plain Sight

Host Derek Coward talks about The Killing, Game of Thrones, Breakout Kings, Treme, and In Plain Sight.

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