Comic Book Noise 745: Catching Up On Scooby Apocalypse

Host Derek Coward says goodbye to the Marvel’s Avengers Alliance game, gets caught up on Scooby Apocalypse, and gets bummed out when his car cuts off.


Comic Book Noise 744: Wacky Raceland #2, Gotham, and Lucifer

Host Derek Coward talks about the second issue of Wacky Raceland, how he has come around to seeing the city of Gotham as a character in its own right, and why he probably won’t be reading the Lucifer comic book series.

Comic Book Noise 742: Cleaning Up, Duela Dent, and Beeping

Host Derek Coward talks about the latest cleaning up he’s been doing for the Deliberate Noise Network, The Joker, The Joker’s Daughter, creepy Joker, and another vehicle with a random beeping sound.

Tangent: The Joker

Comic Book Noise 741: Not For Andom Rassholes

Host Derek Coward talks about why he doesn’t care about reviews, why he doesn’t consider what he does to be reviewing, and who he doesn’t want listening to the show.

Batman v Superman v John Cena
Image from

Comic Book Noise 738: First Day of School, Faith, and Revolution

Host Derek Coward talks about the first day of school for his kids, Faith #1 and its apparent lack of Social Justice Warrior-ness, flip books, IDW’s Revolution event, and the one big name property for which he has never read a comic book.
IDW Revolution