AotD presents Blockbasterds: 01/25/18

Kent’s carrying a grudge about Kansas City’s loss on Sunday, but that’s not getting in the way of his professionalism (or what was left of it to begin with). The Damned Boys have a lot to talk about after a huge news week that included a possible DCEU trilogy, another Ghostbusters film, and an Aladdin movie from the makers of Atlantic Rim. (Aladdin Rim?)

Plus, Bryan has some big news for blu ray, including the two words everyone wants to hear: Andy Sidaris. All this and less on Blockbasterds!

AotD presents Blockbasterds: 01/11/19

So much to talk about in the first Blockbasterds of 2019! Bryan has a winter movie recommendation to help with your crippling seasonal depression. We talk the slates for Turner Classic Movies’ Fathom Events series and the DC Animated films from Warner Bros. Plus, casting news, film announcements, a few new trailers and more. Then, we talk our recent views as Bryan has finally seen the majesty that is RAW FORCE! And Kent runs through his frantic catch-up for the Best of 2018 episode. Join us for the fun!

AotD presents Blockbasterds: 10/19/18

Has James Gunn landed on his feet after the Marvel debacle? Depends on how you look at it. We take a look at his first post-Guardians gig, and we also discuss the disc-pressing monopoly within the US that’s causing delays for some big catalog releases.

As is the norm, we also take a look at the newest trailers to be released, get an update on the newest blu ray releases and discuss what we’ve been watching (outside the theater, that is.) Catch it all in the newest episode of Blockbasterds!


*Boner alert: The second Creature of the Black Lagoon is Revenge of the Creature. Yes, I screwed up the name. -Kent