Geek Brunch 408 – Shopping at the County Fair

Join Mike and Bill as they discuss some recent purchases, Gung Ho Anger #4, Blood Tree #1-2, Not of this World #1, Horror Comics #21-26, Savage Dragon #266, W0rldtr33 #1, Megaton #4, Faust: Love of the Damned #1, Wrestling Documentaries, Sweet Tooth Season 2, Reptile, Nowhere, Morning Show, Vacation Friends 2, Foul Play, Candyland

Geek Brunch Retro-cast 195 – Late to the Party

Join Mike, Rob, and Joe discuss Arion, Lord of Atlantis #1, Blue Beetle #1, Ghost Rider Finale, Heart Throbs #68, Four Color Comics #1029 Boots and Saddles, Champions (Eclipse) #1, Wonder Woman V2 #164, All New X-men Atomic Age