Comic Book Noise 635: Secret Wars #7, Thors #4, Squadron Sinister 4, and The Infinity Gauntlet #5

Host Derek Coward talks about Secret Wars #7,Thors #4, Squadron Sinister #4, and The Infinity Gauntlet ##5.
Secret Wars #7

Marvel Noise Episode 257

Andrew, Kevin, and Phil rummage through as many All-New All-Different #1’s they can find from the month of October. Andrew also sneaks in some adventures from the Comikaze Expo. Then Steve, Andrew, and Kevin cover the 2002 Citizen V & The V-Battalion: The Everlasting four issue limited series. But first, our host checks in with some thoughts on Squadron Sinister, Radioactive Spider-Gwen, Thors, Secret Wars, All-New, All-Different Avengers, Illuminati, The Ultimates, and Uncanny X-Men.

Loikamania 234: Sam Humphries

Episode 234 Sam Humphries

This week, Pat catches up with writer Sam Humphries! We talk about his experience helming a Marvel crossover event, crafting the worlds of Planet Hulk and Star-Lord, and of course, his return to creator-owned comics with Citizen Jack. Plus, we talk cosplay, and so much more in this new episode of Loikamania! (Don’t forget to pick up Citizen Jack, out now!)

Cover photo by Pat Loika, design by Chris Maze.

Sam’s website:
Sam’s twitter: @samhumphries

Pat on twitter: @patloika
Pat on Instagram: @patloika


Welcome back to the show!

Chris goes solo with this episode and when he’s left to his own devices things can get… scary. 

This episode Chris goes over a little bit of news, covers KLAUS #1, UFOLOGY #6, ROWANS RUIN #2, THE WOODS #17, and briefly touches on JOHN FLOOD #4, TOIL AND TROUBLE #3, and mentions HACKTIVIST #4 by name! Yeah. That happened.

We’re always looking for your thoughts on the books we read and the books you’re reading. So, be sure to comment below and let’s talk about it!


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Indie Comic Book Noise Episode 373


The ICBN gang share their Halloween indie reads and more, including Doc Frankenstein, Double Take Comics, Grimm Fairy Tales 2015 Halloween Special, Puppetmaster 7, Lovecraft, Sadman, Bloke’s Terrible Tomb of Terror, The Goon – Once Upon A Time, No Mercy, The Map, Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose Halloween Special, Monstress, and Code Name: Babushka, plus the Image Revolution, Andrew’s Comikaze adventure…and Kevin sells some comics!

Comic Addiction: On The Road – Episode 129

Welcome back to the podcast that started it all for Comic Addiction – “On The Road”. 

This episode Chris takes a few minutes while on the way to work to talk about Marvel’s newest X-Men series – EXTRAORDINARY X-MEN #1.

You can follow the podcast over on Twitter at and follow Chris at You can also email the podcast at and let Chris know if there are any topics you’d like him to cover.

Thanks for listening!

This episode’s opening music – “The Question” – was provided by the band Old Man. Be sure to check out their other songs over at