Comic Book Noise 615:Gotham and How I Would Do An Origin For The Joker

Host Derek Coward talks about the latest episode of Gotham (spoilers), which makes him think about a possible origin for The Joker (even though The Joker doesn’t necessarily even need an origin story).

Comic Book Noise 614: Arrow, iZombie, Battleworld titles, and Amazing Spider-Man #1

Host Derek Coward talks about the season premiere of Arrow, the season premiere of iZombie, a few Battleworld titles, and Amazing Spider-Man #1.

Comic Book Noise 613: Arrow, Slusher, DeConnick, Myers, Shining, Doom

Host Derek Coward talks about the unseen season premiere of Arrow, The newest podcasts from Dave Slusher, a short Kelly Sue DeConnick story, what Mike and Barbara Myers are doing, when he read The Shining for the first time, and another reason to hate Doctor Doom.

And this guy is already pretty easy to despise.

Comic Book Noise 612: The Flash, Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, and Secret Wars #6

Host Derek Coward talks about the second season premiere of The Flash, the latest episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, and the latest issue of Marvel’s Secret Wars. Secret Wars #6

Comic Book Noise 611: Fitz, Amanda Waller, and Semi Broken Taillights

Host Derek Coward talks about his TV watching schedule, Fitz from Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, and a follow up on Amanda Waller.

Comic Book Noise 610: Vixen and The Problem With Amanda Waller

Host Derek Coward talks about the first season of the animated Web series ‘Vixen’ and why he thinks so many people get Amanda Waller wrong.

Vixen and Friends

Marvel Noise Episode 254

Steve gives us a BaltimoreComicCon debriefing and covers the first 10 issues of the Mark Waid-written SHIELD series and some one-shots (I didn’t want to fix the typo he sent, but I figured I should) while
Kevin, Andrew, and Steve continue their never ending coverage of Thunderbolts with issues #60-62! And our host basically says “hello”.