Welcome One and All

Thank you for checking out the first episode of the Dance Fevre podcast hosted by Eddie Lee and Teri Anne.

In this zero episode we talk about the recently finalized season 10 of Dancing With the Stars. We go through our thoughts on the order of departure with particular attention paid to the first 2 or 3 to leave and the last 3 couples.

Next episode we will give our thoughts on the first 3 (audition) episodes of season 7 of So You Think You Can Dance.

If you want to get ahold of us our email is

our fanpage on Facebook is
Dance Fevre

and our twitter feed is

Drop us a line and let us know what you think.

Welcome to the new home of the Dance Fevre (yes the spelling is intentional) podcast. Teri Anne and I (Eddie Lee) will endeavor each week to give our thoughts on the latest So You Think You Can Dance and/or Dancing With the Stars episodes. Interspersed in there will also be our opinions of other dance related news from a fan perspective be they movies, other TV show or anything else we can find that is related we can expose ourselves to. Relax and let us explain to you these two fans feel about dance.