Dance Fevre Episode 9

Terri Anne and I are excited for several reasons. This episode catches us up to being current with the shows, which we have been trying to do for the last month or so. We, on Friday, aquired our tickets to the Charlotte NC stop of the SYTYCD season 7 tour and are trying to get equipped to do a review from on scene via digital recorder. Last but not least is the fact that we also took the dive and aquired a 42′ plasma TV, via much favor from God in a deal that was to awesome to pass up.

Happy listening.

P.S. We are finally on iTunes.

Dance Fevre Episode 8

Howdy folks, its time to talk up another Dance Fevre episode. This year’s tour rolls through Charlotte and Teri and I have decide to catch it. On Oct 2 we will hopefully do our first remote recording.

As SYTYCD season 7 winds down it looks as though we’ll have a 2-4 week break befor DwTS Starts their season 11. In between we will fill in with several movie reviews Singing in the Rain, An American in Paris, Step Up, Step up 2 and Street Dance 3D are the first group on tap to choose from.

If you guys have any suggestions as to which of those five top do first let us know. It would also be cool to get ideas and put together a list of dance movies that we can fall back on when we need to. See ya.

Dance Fevre Episode 7

New installment is here folks. Yet another injury takes the judging away from Nigel and company. Listen in to see who.

National Dance Day is this coming Saturday 7/31. Its a time for everyone to get up fo just a bit and get active. There is a Facebook fanpage on which videos have been posted of people doing the Tabby Naps dance, check ’em out.

Dance Fevre Episode 6

Teri Anne and I are still tryin to catch up. This is my favorite episode to date because we talk about Alex’s injury. I never though at the beginning that I would become invested in our of these people but I did. Alex has a Facebook fan page administered by SYTYCD which he doesn’t update much but his Twitter is updated fairly regularly by him. It is the best place to keep up with how his recovery is proceeding.

Fox has several posts about National Dance Day. Keep dancing until tapped out folks.

Dance Fevre Episode 5

Hey dance fans, how’s it tappin’? Teri Anne and I got together and talked about SYTYCD episodes 1 and 11 the other evening and we recorded our conversation to pass on.

Five emmy nominations for SYTYCD and nine for DwTS. Seems the critics like our dancing reality shows somewhat.

I do want to say I was very disappointed that Alex had to drop out of this years competition. I think he was gettin ready to lead the pack and take it all. You can keep up with Alex on Twitter and Facebook and a blog he uses with his ballet troupe. I will sure miss watchin that man dance.

I guess thats all I there is, talk atcha next time.

My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-c2f23f5c5ca11a5017e33c0a255789c5}

Dance Fevre Episode 4

Morning, afternoon evening everybody. How goes the dance steppin lately?

I want to mention first off that July 31 is National Dance Day. Here is a dance that can be learned for that event. The idea isn’t so much that everyone dance rather everyone just take a little time and get up and move. This is just a thought to help organise the movement.

This episode is all about SYTYCD episodes 8 and 9. Not many surprises but plenty of solid routines and nice performances. Listen in and comment.

Dance Fevre Episode 3

Howdy dance reality fans time for the next of billions of installments of your favorite dance reality fan podcast.

Terri Anne and I have be scouring the interwebs gleaning all the information that can be gotten about dance reality TV and posting it all here. Well…not really we just sit down and record shows about the latest happenings on whatever dance reality shows we happen to catch.

Right now SYTYCD is running so that is what episode focuses on, episodes 6 and 7 to be exact. Our quick steps this time around are an article about a Canadian SYTYCD crew and a music awards show also in Canada.

Time to watch episodes 8& 9 tonite folks so enjoy episode should be out shortly. Ciao.

Dance Fevre Episode 2

Howdy, howdy, howdy folks. Teri Anne and I are glad everyone made it through the last week safely, safely enough to be back here anyways.

We talk about SYTYCD Season 7 episode 5 on this show.

Wreckless Dance crew is a quick update on the Wreckless crew and Toy Story 3 is a note about some DWtS dancers working in a recent movie.

Always be sure to check out the links list as they may change without notice. Thanks for stopping by and hopefully listening.

Dance Fevre Episode 1

Howdy reality dance fans glad you’ve made your way here today. Teri Anne and I are really enjoying our podcasting journey atm and are glad you are joining us.

This episode we talk about the first four episodes of SYTYCD season 7, all of which were audition shows. This year the producers have gone a little different way then for the previous 6 seasons. This season they have chosen to pair each finalist with a former finalist from previous seasons. In that vein they have chosen 10(11) finalists who will dance the show with previous finalists. Actually they went with 5 girls and 6 boys but who’s counting.

Now that the final 11 have been chosen they did a dance introduction show in episode 5 which Teri Anne and I will go over next episode and will start the actual competition this season with episode 6, airing last night with the first elimination show airing tonite both of which we will cover in episode 3.

This episode has brief bios and comments on all the finalists and a heaping helping of that sexy Teri Anne voice and pithy Eddie Lee comments. Enjoy!