Dance Fevre episode 39

Teri Anne and Eddie Lee discuss So You Think You Can Dance season 8 episodes 12 and 13.

Dance Fevre episode 38

So You Think You Can Dance season 8 episodes 10 and 11 are the topics, discuss.

Dance Fevre episode 37

Teri Anne and Eddie Lee talk about So You Think You Can Dance season 8, this season, episodes 8 and 9.

Dance Fevre episode 35

Teri Anne and Eddie Lee talk about episodes 4 and 5 of So You Think You Can Dance season 8: Las Vegas and the top 20.

Dance Fevre episode 34

This is our one year anniversary show, Yay Us!

Sorry about the delay, folks. A touch of Typhus and some technical issues have finally been overcome. We talk about Dance Scene episode 8, the series finale, Randy Jackson’s America’s Best Dance Crew Season 6 episode 9 and 10 , also season finale talk and Season 8 episodes 2 and 4 of So You Think You Can Dance. Thanks for your patience and above all for listening!

Dance Fevre episode 33

Teri Anne and Eddie Lee go over Dance Scene episode 7, America’s Best Dance Crew episode 8, Dancing With the Stars episodes 19 and 20 (season finale) and So You Think You Can Dance episode 1 of the new Season 8.

Dance Fevre episode 32

Terri Anne and Eddie talk about episode 6 of Dance Scene, episode 7 of America’s Best Dance Crew and episodes 17 and 18 of Dancing With the Stars.

Dance Fevre Episode 31

We run through Dancing With the Stars season 12 episodes 15 and 16, Randy Jacksons Americas Best Dance Crew season 6 episode 6 and Dance Scene Season 1 episode 5. Plus some Facebook news for the show.

Dance Fevre episode 30

Teri Anne and I start out with Dance Scene season 1 episode 4, America’s Best Dance Crew season 6 episode 5 and Dancing with the Stars season 12 episodes 13 and 14. Come on and join the fun.

Dance Fevre episode 29

Teri Anne and Eddie Lee discuss Episodes 11 and 12 of Dancing With the Stars, episode 4 of America’s Best Dance Crew and episode 3 of Dance Scene.

Let us know what you think.